A phobia tends to worsen over time, because people, by avoiding exposure to phobic stimuli, only increase their level of fear. For example, if you are afraid of speaking in public, you will avoid this type of experience in every way, e.g, avoid taking the floor during a business meeting or giving a speech on a special occasion. That avoidance behavior may allow you to keep your fear at bay, in the present, but it will produce a negative effect in the future; namely, your phobia will increase.
Furthermore, phobias tend to spread. You may start suffering from claustrophobia, which is the fear of enclosed spaces, in an elevator, and then find yourself unable to take a plane, a sbucai, or drive through a tunnel. To overcome a phobia, the most effective treatment is psychotherapy associated with hypnosis and especially the use of virtual reality.
Therefore, it's strictly necessary to avoid using do-it-yourself methods, alternative therapies, or homeopathy, because they are not effective at all. You will only risk making things worse, and above all you will waste precious time. The use of virtual reality will allow you to comfortably expose yourself to the situations you fear the most, in my studio.
For example, if you are afraid of flying, we can treat this phobia in a safe environment by experiencing a simulated experience with virtual reality. In this way, you will become familiar, step by step, with the phases that precede the flight, i.e, the trip to the airport, check-in, the take-off, the actual flight, and the landing phase. All this will happen in a virtual and safe environment. The most effective psychotherapy for treating phobias is based on the principle of gradual exposure to phobic stimuli. So, you will learn various techniques for relaxation and hypnosis to help manage your fear in a completely gradual way.
The simulation made through virtual reality produces the same emotional impact as a real situation. We will also measure parameters objectively, so we can evaluate your progress, together. Thanks to the use of psychotherapy, hypnosis, and above all virtual reality, many different phobias can be overcome. For example:
Dott.Igor Graziato
Psicologo del Lavoro e delle organizzazioni
Specialista in Psicoterapia
Master in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy
Ipnosi Clinica Evidence Based
Membro dell'American Psychological Association
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Positive Strategy for Best Life
Studio di Psicologia RPStrategy®
del Dott.Igor Graziato
IT 08222720016
Sede legale:
Via Orazio Antinori 8
10128 Torino
Via Orazio Antinori, 8 10128 Torino
Tel. (+39) 347 1000224
PEC: igor.graziato@pec.it