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Insomnia damages your career. An efficient manager sleeps well.

26 aprile 2021

Psychology offers a set of useful tools for managers.

 It is undeniable that a professional is a person who is typically viewed as busy. They face long and endless meetings that contribute to sleepless nights, or nights with poor sleep. This old fashioned approach is a cry from effectiveness and productivity which is demanded at the corporate level. For example, meetings need to be managed effectively, they need to have a goal, and above all, it is crucial that they have decided on the start and end times.

Time is the most precious resource we have at our disposal but we tend to waste it every day on a thousand little inefficient and ineffective activities. Psychological stress is sneaky and deludes the professional, in the so-called endurance phase, to be able to effectively manage every aspect of the job. The person can experience the feeling of being well, of having a lot of energy to spend and of being able to constantly stay focused. Often this stage is the prelude to a sometimes even dramatic collapse involving every dimension of health both psychological and physical.

An efficient manager sleeps well
Sleep is the key to maintaining efficiency and productivity, ensuring good cognitive function and emotional balance. In addition, a good rest allows us to reduce tension and i mprove the quality of our interpersonal relationships . Insomnia is a widespread problem and is often treated ineffectively through 'do-it-yourself' advice or remedies. Insomnia can also increase aggressive behaviors and activate a dangerous vicious circle .

Today we have an effective tool, based on scientific and completely natural evidence: Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapty for Insomnia. This treatment allows, through a defined path and a time limit, to address and overcome this type of problem. This is a tool that allows the manager and the professional to regain the psychological balance and to ensure an excellent level of performance in the workplace.

Dott.Igor Graziato
Psicologo del Lavoro e delle organizzazioni
Specialista in Psicoterapia
Master in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy
Ipnosi Clinica Evidence Based
Membro dell'American Psychological Association

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